Finding the way (2)

Claudia Baruzzi 0

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cartina di OXFORD

Asking directions


Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Merton Field?

Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bank is?


I’m sorry, I don’t know.

Sorry, I’m not from around here.


I’m looking for this address.

Are we on the right road for the city centre?

Is this the right way for the station?

Can you show me on my map?

Giving directions


It’s this way.

It’s that way.

You’re going the wrong way. / You’re going in the wrong direction.

Take this road.

Go down there.

Take the first on the left.

Take the second on the right.

Turn right at the crossroads

Continue straight ahead for about a mile (one mile is approximately 1.6 kilometres).

Continue past the bus station.

You’ll pass a supermarket on your left.

Keep going for another 100 metres.

It’ll be …

on your left.

on your right.

straight ahead of you.

How far is it?

How far is it to the airport?

How far is it to … from here?

Is it far?

Is it a long way?

It’s …

not far

quite close

quite a long way

a long way on foot

a long way to walk

about a mile from here (one mile is approximately 1.6 kilometres)


How long does it take?

How long does it take to reach the city center?

It takes about half an hour.

It takes about 15 minutes on foot.


Follow the signs for the city centre.

Continue straight on past some traffic lights at the second set of traffic lights, turn left.

Go over the roundabout.

Take the second exit at the roundabout.

Turn right at the T-junction.

Go under the bridge.

Go over the bridge.

You’ll cross some railway lines.


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